The Good News of Jesus... the Forgiver of Sins
When some hear the name Jesus it means someone is mad. Others may hear the name Jesus and it is just another word they've heard a thousand times yet really means nothing to them. To us at Webb's Chapel the name of Jesus means everything. That's because Jesus is our Good News and here's why...
God is perfect and holy. As crazy as it sounds, at this very moment there are beings in heaven whose sole purpose is to worship God by filling heaven with the proclamation of 'Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty'. Yes, He is that worthy because He is that good.
We as humans, on the other hand, are imperfect people. All of us. Even though some us might think our occasional good deeds automatically makes us a good person, the truth is that our heart and desire will lead us to do destructive actions and habits (pride, envy, deceit, lust, etc.). This is because we have a problem with our heart, our core, the very essence of who we are. God calls that sin.
Since God is perfect and we are not, there is no way that we could ever reach His standard by our own power and strength. No way at all. Our sin has separated us from God and punishment must be dealt.
In order to right the wrong His creation had done, God the Father sent His Son into the world He created. The sent Son was named Jesus. While on earth, Jesus showed us how to live among one another and love one another. This demonstration was good, but was not His good news. He also taught us that loving God is a matter of our heart, which changes our actions (not the other way around). This teaching was good, but was not His good news. Jesus' good news is that He took the wrath of His Father that was meant for us so that we could be restored in a right relationship with the God of heaven and earth!
Jesus took the worst of who we are; our sin, guilt and pain. He replaced those things with His love, His grace and His righteousness. He sacrificed Himself on our behalf. That is His Good News. We love Him because He first loved us and died for us... and you.
After dying on our behalf, God gave this good news power and authority by raising Jesus from His death. Jesus resurrection shows us that our sin, guilt, pain and even death has been defeated by Him, not us. For two thousand years people have heard this good news and put their faith in it.
Will you?